Monday, August 04, 2008

You know what's fucking delicious???

Hot damn risotto is so fucking awesome. At no-one's fault but my own that I've never had the luxury of taking down some of this shit and as one that loves to cook, its kind of surprising. Forget about my love to cook, my passion for eating really tasty food is leaps and bounds ahead of my cooking desires. Nevertheless, after yesterday, I am no longer blind to the wonders of this Italian treat.

Last night, in preparation for a certain Kool-Aid's triumphant return to Fort Awesome from a weekend getaway to see some friends in the NYC, the Toast put his sweet sweet culinary skills on full display by makin' a meal fit for...well mah Kool-Aid. Mind you, Kool-Aid's none too flashy, one of those low maintenance, zero drama dames that we fellas dream about. So, the Toast fired up the grill, slapped a Bad Johnny steak on there, sauteed up some shrooms, cooked up a few ears of corn, and while pondering a side dish to add to the menu decided to give this risotto stuff the ol' college try.

This shit is the fucking jackpot and I even made the most basic risotto possibly known to man. I looked into recipes that have you throwing all kinds of shit in there. Portabello mushrooms...gonna try that next time. Roasted red peppers and/or asparagus tips...put it on the board!! Making it with some braised veal?? Hot damn, I love me some baby cow!! The options for total and complete risotto upgrades are pretty much endless. Cook it with some bird, throw multiple cheeses in there. You like seafood, that works too. Wanna get boozed up while you eat?? Guess what, you're putting wine in it. Whatever you do, you can't miss. It's un-possible!!!

You know what makes risotto even better?? I made enough of it that I'll be having it with every meal from now until next Tuesday and I'll still have to throw some of it out, not that I ever would. I just wish that I brought some of it for lunch. Stupid rye breaded sandwich. What the hell was I thinking?!?! And what man packs wheat thins and a little cottage cheese cup to go with it?? A fucking idiot, that's who.

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