Saturday, August 30, 2008


It's raining, I'm blogging from the road at my Father's house in good ol' Syracuse, NY, I had a few Labatt's last night and my head isn't what you call fuzzy as I didn't drink too much but I'm no-where near 100%, I'm drinking coffee, Kool-Aid is in the shower, and today is the last day that I will be twenty eight years old. I don't know how I feel about this. Rough roads lie ahead, who knows?? Simply put, the countdown begins......TOMORROW.


Ashley said...

Happy birfffffday!

You're old. Just kidding, you're actually eternally young. It's your spirit (and immaturity level).

I kid :) Because what else do you with people on their birthdays?!?

Toastie said...

Presents. You buy them lots and lots of presents. Shower them with gifts in all shapes and sizes!! Maybe some cake?? See, there were a few alternatives you could have taken.

Toastie said...

oh...and thank you for the birthday shout!! It didn't go unnoticed.