Tuesday, September 02, 2008


It's all I could think about this past weekend in response to this being the last year of my roaring 20's. You'll catch it at about..oh...the 2:23 mark.

And just for the hell of it. Wooo doggie do I like me some Mr. Show.


Ashley said...

well I'm glad that I'm 23 then. ha.

Toastie said...

24 is the highest number...fuhggedaboudit.

what I wouldn't give to be 23 again; what with the mileage put on this body over the past five years. and I'm still considered too young to complain about stuff like my shoulder giving me problems when it's about to rain outside, my knee being difficult when I go up too many stairs, and my back actin' up from sitting on my giant wallet all day at the office. I guess I should be blaming myself with all the crap that I do to me. rugby, hockey, falling down, laughing uncontrollably. sigh.. (/throws hands up in disgust)

enjoy it, that's all I'm a-gonna say.