Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Things my new office is good for.

What a minute. Hold the phone. You in fact did read that title correctly my faithful internet audience, the Toast has himself a new lot here at the workplace to call his own. With the aforementioned recent departure of a long time team member, office settings were restructured and Corporate Toast now is movin' on up to the big leagues, if by big leagues you mean an office that isn't just a glorified ex-coat closet. This kid has hit the big time....from a certain point of view.

Now, I've only been in this new space for a little over a week but here is a short list of things I have already noticed that this new office is particularly good at and/or good for.

- natural light.
- eating m&m's.
- rocking. I constantly have my I-pod with me at the office so I can hit up my beats. Currently we are thrashing the new digs with some old school Beasties.
- a window to the outside world where I can feel the cool breezes of Anytown, U.S.A.
- previous tenant dropping by as a force of habit (Wait a tick, this isn't mine anymore).
- the occasional lunchtime Toastedblog.
- coffee consumption
- showing off my office flair (that calender of bunny suicides isn't going to show itself)
- upon my arrival every morning while I am in the process of enjoying my apple-a-day, I get to read the daily article from here. Don't you DARE judge me.
- taking down delicious lunch sandwiches
- workies
- confusing others ("When'd you move here??")
- designing and drawing out various football formations and plays (I have this giant wipe-board for some odd reason in here). I know, the fucking jackpot right.

As you can see, the benefits greatly outnumber any possible complaints, threefold. Word to your moms!!


Ashley said...

Well, I may HAVE to judge you for reading that daily article of yours...hahaha, but seriously.

Yeah, Beastie Boys seems like the perfect band for you: a little funky, a little rock and a little ADD, plus testosterone.

DG Dunford said...

Bunny Suicides? So best.