Monday, August 25, 2008

"Too Legit to Quit"!

A nice action shot of the Toast atop Uncle Jitter's roof deck from this past Saturday afternoon. Highs and lows of the weekend as follows:

1. Saw a number of high class and stellar dudes
2. Gratuitous Male Hugging
3. Tucker's stri-ped briefs; which were seen, unfortunately not on a near naked Tucker
4. Pictures of Javen's daughter Emma
5. Eating one and a half cheese steaks from both Pat's and Geno's **Sidenote: Pat's is better
6. Engaging in a rousing, impromptu, and completely drunken sing-a-long of Gary Glitter's "Rock and Roll Pt2" on Philly's Mass Transit System (fingers crossed for the soon to be uploaded tell-all video)
7. Got me some more sun
8. Homemade mac and che as Sunday evening return to Fort Awesome comfort food
9. "Too Legit to Quit" everywhere we went. Man....I miss spending all my time with these guys.
10. Drunken and non drunken quoting of Mr. Show, The Simpsons (Too Many Grandma's), Seinfeld, etc. that got the Toast giggling and laughing hysterically.

1. Getting so drunk that I was unable to stand (its what 12+ hrs of hard boozin' will do to ya)
2. Billy Ball, Reyn, and Dunford carrying me back to Jitter's house
3. Getting slapped when I became unruly upon my discovery that I would no longer be attending bars with the group (post walking ability loss)
4. Not remembering my apparent wrestling match with Billy Ball on the Philly Streets
5. The aftermath that comes from eating one and a half cheese steaks from both Pat's and Geno's
6. Having to drive home yesterday

See, the good outweighs the bad. It was just a fucking awesome weekend all around. I love my friends. We've got to do it all over very soon.

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