Thursday, June 26, 2008 this is me.

Lately I've noticed a recurring trend within the blogging community, from both wildly popular bloggers to itty bitty ones. Bloggers seem to be either coming out and exposing their true identity or going through the ridiculously long amount of time it takes to type out "100 things about me". Well this is the real me, Thunder McAwesome. Nice to meet you. And now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to hit you with some knowledge.

1. I'm fucking awesome.
2. Love Pearl Jam
3. Sandwiches are delicious
4. Kool-Aid is the tops
5. I play rugby
6. Love the Sox
7. Had major reconstructive surgery on my right shoulder leaving me with a bitchin' scar
8. I used to steal piles of chicken wings from Ponderosa by wrapping them in napkins and just walking out.
9. Baseball road trips = Thumbs Up!!
10. Have the uncanny ability to remember song lyrics instantaneously
11. I like "the pot"
12. I majored in History in College....HISTORY?!?!
13. I also minored in Religion, yet I seldom can be found at church (Major Holidays aside)
14. Irish
15. Enjoy eating Spaghetti O's right out of the can.
16. I have no idea how many concerts I've been to (see 11)
17. Hate pretentious assholes
18. and fucking morons
19. and dudes with their collars popped that call me "Brah"
20. I've been kicked out of more bars than you.
21. I have meticulous hand writing
22. I'm fucking 'ilarious!!
23. An expert in the art of grilled cheese making
24. Modeled my style of hockey play after Bruins great Cam Neely.
25. Also why I wore number 8 throughout my hockey career
26. I still wonder why I didn't get drafted following my Senior Year at LeMoyne College.
27. Oh..did you know where I went to college, well now you do, LeMoyne in Upstate NY.
28. Awesome at Trivial Pursuit
29. and Rock & Roll Jeopardy...when it existed.
30. My favorite play in football is the play action pass
31. To aid in my appreciation for all things awesome, my father made me watch "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" when I was 10
32. I was a finicky eater as a child.
33. I have since seen the err in my ways
34. Have a love and appreciation for cooking as my father started teaching me the ways in my early teens.
35. I can't sing all too well but I love me some karoake
36. My bloodline can be traced to Music Legend, Huey Lewis
37. Oddly enough, my name is neither the Toast, Thunder McAwesome, or even my mom's pick of Squire Brandon. Simply's Casey
38. Don't let the goofiness fool you, this kid is wicked smart when he wants to be
39. Avid golfer with..I'd say, about a 8-10 handicap
40. I like good beer
41. Love every single one of my friends.
42. Even though Kool-Aid will disagree, bumper cars are the way to go at amusement parks
43. Have a fondness for dancing and often search for opportunities to do so.
44. I'm 5'11"
45. My favorite word is pants (try not to laugh when it is said right)
46. I could care less if I impress you or not
47. I can be defensive at times...I've been burned in the past
48. Star Wars Nerd!!
49. Not a fan of tucking in my shirts (aka Business Class Toast)
50. Family has had NY Giants Season Tix since probably about the 50's.
51. I wear T-Shirts...not alligator polos
52. I'd like to live on an island
53. I'd also like to learn how to play the banjo/mandolin
54. BBQ sauce is my dippin' sauce of choice
55. I've broken my right arm twice playing hockey (wrist, radius and ulna in forearm)
56. And the aforementioned shoulder injury, which was a severly torn rotator cuff, was hockey related.
57. Despite having brown hair, when I grow a beard it comes in red
58. While in college, aided in a prank by wallpapering the campus with flyers that advertised a fake film festival known as "Gary Busey Day". Clever huh?
59. All Hot Films...All Gary Busey. or the Buse is Loose!!
60. Created a dance craze that at one point was sweeping the nation..the calculator
61. Often I wear flannel shirts, it's the rocker in me. Weather permitting of course
62. Pompous D.C.'ers can go (expetive deleted) themselves
63. Favorite treat, the white chocolate macadamia nut cookie
64. Saw a game a few rows behind home plate at Fenway. Fuck and Yes!
65. I still have my first material possession, a stuffed raccoon named Rocky
66. Rocky often accompanies me on road trips and currently resides in a bookcase in my living room.
67. My apartment is known as "Fort Awesome".
68. I should be a paleontologist.
68. If I could go back in time, I probably would be
69. My younger brother is far more handsome and much taller than I. (5'11" vs. 6'4")
70. I'm an Uncle
71. My Irish twin sister lives in FL.
72. I've been to Portugal
73. I used to have a convertable.
74. When driving former convertable, I would be seen wearing aviator shades and a cowboy hat.
75. I have a big ribcage
76. and stumpy legs
77. but a pteradactyl like wing span
78. I like to mix ketchup and brown mustard together to make my own secret sauce for fry dippin'
79. I strive for 5 every day (servings of fruits and veggies)
80. Hate cell phones but feel naked when I leave mine at Fort Awesome
81. Feel that "The Big Lebowski" is the best movie in the world
82. Aside from signing my name, I can no longer effectively write in cursive
83. I can laugh at anything..and I often do.
84. I believe in chivalry and I try to prove to Kool-Aid that, at least for her, it is not dead
85. Very fortunate to have a love for music instilled in me by my father at a young age.
86. Have a strong desire to see Rome.
87. Oddly enough, I was extremely shy throughout my childhood until I was a junior in high school. That is when I realized that I really don't care
88. I can speak German
89. I feel bad for my older items when they get replaced by a newer model.
90. Initially I went to school for chemical engineering until I discovered college level calculus.
91. If the situation calls for it, I can communicate entirely in movie quotes. Seldom does this happen.
92. Don't tell Kool-Aid, but I have a huge crush on Tina Fey
93. Although when Kool-Aid wears her glasses.....hmmmm.....
94. I'd like to train to do a triathalon but get turned off of it with the whole swimming thing (and I'm a decent swimmer, I just don't know how to really train for it nor do I want to get kicked in the face)
95. Last time I was kicked in the face I broke a tooth and its remnants had to be yanked. (Damn rugby, damn yous!!)
96. I don't know why, but I can't wear sneakers with shorts, unless I'm working out.
97. Ability to eat chicken wings in one swift motion
98. I may be planning something big here in the relatively near future.
99. Love chipwiches.
100. Whatever situation I am in: meeting parents, interacting with co-workers and higher ups, entertaining guests, conducting training sessions for clients, sitting at a bar having a beer; I'm me, no-one else.

Yup...took as long as I thought.


Anonymous said...

i didn't read them all. but I don't think you can steal food from an all you can eat buffet.

it's probably not a great idea to admit to your drug habits on blog the whole world can see.. including your boss.

i like Kool-Aid too.. "OH YEEEAH!!!!"
preferably the red kind.

Ashley said...


15. Meeee tooooo!

36. Cool!

48. Oh no, you're one of those.

And, can you make that picture your profile pic? I kinda love it!