Tuesday, January 08, 2008

I just can't get it up anymore.

I don't know what it is but college football just doesn't excite me like it used to. Don't get me wrong, I looove football, it really revs my engine, but over the past few years college ball has sorta fallen out of favor with yours truly. I mean, this was a sport that I once argued with a certain Mr. Bohall that the NFL should try to be more like...at least having one knee equaling the player being down.

Mind you, my recent view of college football stems largely from the fact that rugby season happens to coincide with college football season and partly that my team (Notre Dame) isn't performing up to snuff. I guess I am kinda giving the rest of the Division I College Football teams a "fuck 'em, they ain't my squad", which is not the way to take it. Now, instead of spending my Saturday mornings waking up in a drunken stupor at 10am to catch College Gameday followed by a quick few hits of the good stuff with Danny so one can fully enjoy Bob Davie as he rambles through the 12 o'clock game on ESPN I find myself leaving the house by 9am so I can get ready to wear shorts and feel like I fell down a flight of stairs for the next few days. No longer do I sit in my sweatpants until 5 in the afternoon surrounded by college football bliss. For chrissakes, I was up for the Heisman as the highly touted longsnapper known simply as "Nuttrocker"!! Would Danny or Uncle Jitter, or Willie Moe when he had a Saturday off be proud of the Toast who willingly throws his college football viewing opportunities out the window for a lil' competish and excercise of all things?? I think not.

What I am trying to get across is the fact that College Football just isn't really doing it for me anymore, and its a shame as I can really enjoy it. Have I been away from it for too long?? When rugby season ends in the beginning of November the College Football season is drawing to a close, just when I have the chance to pay attention again and by then I am lost and feel out of place during those Championship week games. I hadn't had the opportunity to look into these teams all year!!! How can I pick up on months worth of games, controversy, storylines, and great plays in only a pre-game or two?? I still enjoy watching what games I can. Just over the holidays I took in a few games with Liz's brother (who's a huge Virginia Tech fan) and found myself picking up what those kids were puttin' down, having a good time, what-not. It's just when bowl season arrives, I just can't get into it. Other than checking in on a few or catching a drive or two I didn't watch a single bowl game this year for the first time....ever. Blame rugby for taking up time, blame my girlfriend who I like to go do things with on the weekends, blame Notre Dame being crappy, blame my leaving far away from my football watching pals, I just guess I shouldn't really blame college football for not catching my attention. Blame Toastie for not making much of an effort?? Possibly. For the time being I will once again not worry about my saturdays and missing college football. Next season, I guess I will see if I can make some changes and try to get back to something that I was a huge fan of.

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