Monday, January 14, 2008

Glad you finally decided to drink the kool-aid.

Dear Eli,

I not entirely sure when the idea of successfully playing the quarterback position in the NFL came to you but this kid is certainly glad it has. For some reason your ability to fully process what is going on out there has finally clicked and the toast no longer has to be the one that is driving fast and taking chances in supporting you. You have no idea how extremely happy I have been ever since you led the giants to victory over the much despised cowboys. please note that from here on out the toast is struttin' around the office with an lil' extra hop in his step and twinkle in his eye due to your play the past few weeks.

now, I'm not going to get ahead of myself and dub you the next big thing that has hit the position but the fact that you are showing some consistency and successfully managing this balanced offensive attack is makin' me all sorts of giddy. please do your best to keep it up and remember that your play of late is doing wonders in making believers out of giants fans all over. now go get 'em out there in wisconsin!!!


toastmaster general


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Some educators and psychologists will tell you that people who speak
in the third person actually aren't as obsessed (with themselves) as you'd think they
are — they in fact have some kind of split personality that causes
them to look at themselves like a completely different person."