Enjoy your Turkey Day peoples!! I can tell you that I'm looking forward to it something fierce!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Your Typical Drunken Irish Thanksgiving, WHOOP WHOOP!!
Enjoy your Turkey Day peoples!! I can tell you that I'm looking forward to it something fierce!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Authentic Antique 1864 Civil War Cannon
Man, I can't wait for the days when I can just sit around with a group of people and just bring up my breathtaking conversation piece, a Civil War era cannon. This craigslist ad was found in my email this morning as a certain Kool-Aid decided that it was of utmost importance that I discover this unique opportunity. Frankly, I don't see a way around my obtaining this highly interesting relic.
I mean, for me, to own a piece of American History that is a brilliant conversation starter is almost daily priority number one. Screw that going to work shit. Cleaning one's self, who needs it? Not when I can talk about my cannon. Did you know that this very cannon was used as a line thrower to traverse rivers and cliffs during an Epic War in our Nation's History, the Civil War??
How much did you pay for that cannon?? Well, I'm not going to tell you that. That's my little secret. But, what I can tell you is that it as been appraised for over $17,500. What's that you ask?? How much does such a fantastic historical specimen weigh? Well, it currently scales at approximately 175 lbs. That weight just screams authenticity.
And, if you were desperately searching for a new hobby, were you aware that this very authentic antique 1864 Civil War cannon is also a great collectors piece. Finally, all you cannon collectors can complete the set by obtaining the highly elusive 1864 Line Thrower model. Forget about this thing being obtrusive and you need not worry if you are unsure of where to display such a spanking historical artifact. Your 1864 Civil War cannon will tie together any room with its heavy iron-ness and its authentic Civil War cannon-oscity. It just begs for attention. Look at me. See how I shine?? Note that sparkle?? I'm a fucking big ass cannon and I'm sitting here in this jackass's living room for some reason that only this goofy bastard knows about. And why the hell does he have a giant globe in here and a fake marlin on the wall??
In any event, the reason this cannon was brought to my attention is the simple fact that two folks you all should hold dear are currently on the lookout for some more furniture. You see, my beloved apartment, Fort Awesome, is changing street addresses. That's right, Kool-Aid and I are moving. Not far might I add, and to quite the larger place. I'm going to have stairs. You hear that, STAIRS!!! Gone will be the days of the cozy little apartment with a den whose doorway is too narrow to fit a kickass recliner through it's gates. I'm going to have my own living room in a furnished basement for uber manly and definitely non-dorky video game playing to boot. I'll be able to fit a fleet of recliners in that summbitch.
Most importantly though, our new rowhome will allow us to get a dog, something that we've been putting off due to the time it currently takes us to get back and forth to work. Let the "Gary" acquisition commence at year's end people, as we are set to move in January. "Gary" just better make sure he doesn't confuse my new cannon with his toilet. He'll be in a world of hurt if that thing depriciates in value. What on earth would my friends think??
Friday, November 21, 2008
This is what gets me excited these days. Sigh...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Sandwich Party '08
But there is one very underrated memory that kind of popped in my head the other day and caused me to develop this post for you my internet audience on this Tuesday. What is it you ask?? The infamous, never duplicated, surprisingly subtle, Sandwich Party.
The renowned tale of lore that is, the story behind the Sandwich Party, is not an impressive one. Not at all. Basically, the Sandwich Party consisted of Senior in College Toast and good friend Willie Moe, buying various pounds of deli meat on a Sunday, drinking and watching movies/playing video games and eating sandwiches every hour on the hour while wearing fleece sweatpants. That's it, really; it sounds trivial I know, but it was oh so sweet. You weren't there, you have NO IDEA!!
Now, while the memory of this sandwich party will always stick with me for some odd reason, most likely as a random thing to joke about amongst friends, why it was brought up was to demonstrate sandwiches being my favorite, and thus ending this terribly long introduction and getting to the real subject of this train wreck post. I have decided to end my ever so long internal debate and crown one sandwich, and one sandwich alone, as my favorite. The World's Best Sandwich if you will.
Now, after careful consideration and lots of blind luck, I have come up with a list of tasty sandwiches all worthy of participating in this little competish. If I were computer savvy enough, I'd find a way to get this in some sort of bracket format but I've given up on trying. Instead I have devised a highly technical system to rank said sandwiches. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you. Sandwich Rank-Bot 3000.
Sandwich Rank-Bot 3000 will carefully judge and rank sandwiches according to four extremely important categories. Below is Sandwich Rank-Bot 3000's highly elaborate ranking system.
1. Deliciousness
2. Convenience Factor
3. Sandwich Filling
4. Aftermath
Deliciousness, that's easy and straight to the point. Convenience factor, now things get a little interesting. How much effort goes into acquiring said sandwich?? What do you have to go through to get it? Where do you have to go?? DO you even have to leave the house?? Would you/can you bring them for work lunch?? All of these questions are terribly important when it comes to ranking a sandwich. Next we have the sandwich filling category, not gonna lie to you, but this counts, A-LOT. So, how awesome are the contents of your tasty treat?? Is the combination of meats too much?? Finally, we get to the aftermath of delicious sandwich consumption. Frankly put, what's gonna happen to you later after taking this guy down. Good?? Bad?? Indifferent?? Sandwich Rank-Bot 3000 will let us know.
Philly Cheese Steak
Deliciousness: 5
Convenience: 4
Filling: 5
Aftermath: 2.5
I really love me some cheese steaks. Only problem is, they tear me up if you know what I mean. Well, two problems if you count that finding a really good one is kinda difficult, unless you live in Philadelphia which sadly I do not. I'm sorry, steak-ums don't count. Steak-ums are for the birds.
Pulled Pork Sandwich
Deliciousness: 5
Convenience: 1
Filling: 4
Aftermath: 4
So good. So very good!! However, do you have time to smoke a 8lb pork butt?? Of course you fucking don't!! Who would?? If we had that kind of time we'd be eating delicious smoked meats slathered with bar-be-que sauce all the time. Instead, you know what I had for lunch?? Processed deli turkey with mustard on Dark German Wheat Bread. Ugh. Sure it's good for you but a heaping pile of delicious pork it is not.
Leftover Turkey Sandwich
Deliciousness: 5
Convenience: .5
Filling: 5
Aftermath: 5
Now we're talkin'!! Right here you'll find this little project's big winner. To me, it doesn't get any better than the leftover turkey sandwich. White meat, dark meat, you just can't lose. You can have 'em hot by smothering dem summbitches with gravy. You can just put mayo on it and shove it between a few slices of bread. Hey, why don't you take some of that leftover stuffing that but that on there as well. Better yet, throw some gravy on it too, just to give it some extra panache. It's only downside, you either have to prepare an entire 15 lb turkey to reap the dividends or depending on what you're family enjoys for the holidays, you'll pretty much only have two opportunities to enjoy one of these beauties. Plus, you get the added bonus of taking a nap (tryptophan) and those oh so enjoyable turkey farts!!
Buffalo Chicken
Deliciousness: 5
Convenience: 3
Filling: 4
Aftermath: 3
I rate buffalo flavored items the following: Wings, Pizza, Nachos, Sandwich. I really have no explanation. I just prefer wings. There, I said it!!
Grilled Charlie
"Do NOT put peanut butter on that!! NO!! A Grilled Charlie has peanut butter last!! Peanut butter outside, chocolate inside, butter inside, cheese outside."
Deliciousness: 3.5
Convenience: 5
Filling: 3
Aftermath: 5
One of the funniest things about Manwich is the fact that when I first starting dating Kool-Aid, her roommate Matt decided to make this for a party that they were having and by the end of the night not one individual decided to indulge in all of its mantastic glory. I can only imagine the reaction by these people when they first saw it, just sitting there in a skillet. "Uh...is that Manwich??" I think all guests thought that someone had made it earlier in the day and just decided not to clean up, it's the only explanation. To me, this stuff is delicious. I like to hollow out the top part of the bun so that it holds in even more awesome Manwich, like a Manwich pocket. Kool-Aid refuses to allow me to make this at home. Sigh..
Arby's Roast Beef
Deliciousness: 4
Convenience: 5
Filling: 3.5
Aftermath: 5
Arby's is awesome, that's all I'll say. It is the only fast food that I'll eat. Something about the concoction that is Horsey's sauce combined with Arby's Sauce that turns a regular roast beef sandwich into utter deliciousness. Still, with an Arby's pretty much on every corner, it's got that convenience factor all but pegged doesn't it. However, it's still Arby's and no matter how good it tastes, it is a sandwich that quite possibly isn't real at all. How can a sandwich that costs $2.99 win this thing. It can't, that's how!
Deliciousness: 4
Convenience: 3
Filling: 3
Aftermath: 4
Reuben's are just a classic sandwich. No varying on things here though, and that's gonna cost it a few points overall. Enjoyable, you betcha!!! The Tops??? Eh, not so much. Sorry there little fella. I still do find you quite tasty what with you're delicious corned beef, swiss cheese, rye bread and sauerkraut. All it's good points though, I can't make them well at home. I fuck it up somehow, every single time. I have no explanation but they always come out like a pile of hot garbage that tastes not nearly as good as I envisioned it would. So, that means, I have to go out to get them whenever a reuben is in the cards for the Toast and 50% of the time that'll hurt your chances every time.
Italian Beef Sandwiches
Deliciousness: 5
Convenience: 2
Filling: 5
Aftermath: 1
I was first introduced to Italian Style Beef Sandwiches on a random visit out to see my mother in Chicago a number of years ago. We had gone to a restaurant called Portillos that featured these summbitches. Now, I have found recipes that allow me to make these on my own, the only thing is that the entire process is a bit of a hassle. Who has time to cook meat for a few hours, refrigerate it, slice it as thin as humanly possible, heat it up in a pot of its own delicious natural juices, and then enjoy. Mind you, I have had the time in the past, but not often enough to give it top billing. Explaining the aftermath is easy.
Deliciousness: 5
Convenience: 5
Filling: 5
Aftermath: 5
Oddly enough the Chipwich rounds out with the top score out of all these awesome and stomach busting sammiches. Note that the Chipwich is indeed a sandwich, it's in the name godammit!! It is found that the Toast will do extreme amounts of manual labor for no other payment than a chipwich. Move you cross country, you'll owe me a chipwich. Need help getting that couch upstairs, it'll cost you a chipwich. Be your wingman for an evening, that'll run you about a chipwich or two. See how that works.
Blarney Burger
Deliciousness: 5
Convenience: -2
Filling: 5
Aftermath: 1
The Blarney Burger is named after my favorite bar in my old stomping grounds, Tipperary Hill, a predominantly Irish neighborhood in my hometown of Syracuse, NY. The Blarney Stone ran a special every Wednesday night that featured the Blarney Burger, a half lb burger with the works, and a side of fires for $4.50. It should be noted that the Blarney Burger should not count as it is indeed not a sandwich and I no longer live in this neighborhood/within NY State boundaries thus plummeting the burger's convenience to an all-time low score of -2. Also, it is a sleeping pill under the clever guise of a delicious burger. Under all circumstances, one should not consume an entire Blarney Burger and A. attempt to operate heavy machinery, and B. try to hang out, drink, and score ladies as this is a recipe for bad news. Please be advised, stand fast for late night jail breaks.
Grilled Cheese
Deliciousness: 5
Convenience: 5
Filling: 4
Aftermath: 5
A very underrated sandwich in it's own right. That's the problem, I never think to make them. In college, they would have them at the cafeteria cut in half just ready for the taking. And I wonder how I got over 200 lbs first semester sophomore year when I broke my arm in the first practice and wasn't playing hockey but instead just eating these fucking things all the goddamn time. Seriously, I'd pile like 5 sandwiches all together on one plate and a bowl of soup and just go to town. Realistically, they are a top 5 sandwich, no matter how you slice it. HA!! Get it??
Meatball Sub
Deliciousness: 4.5
Convenience: 2.5
Filling: 5 (they're fucking meatballs, of course they're delicious!!)
Aftermath: 3.5
These only really count if you make the meatballs from scratch, or they're from your Italian Grandmother's recipe. I'm wicked Irish, like full blown. I don't have the luxury of a Grandmother's recipe. We boil our meats, not cover them in delicious sauce. Cheese....don't even get me started. We have no idea what cheese is or if it actually exists, unless its made from a goat or sheep, or something like that and that kind of cheese doesn't even hold a candle to shit like mozzarella.
Pa Cregg's Breakfast Sandwich
Deliciousness: 4
Convenience: 4 (if you can fry up bacon, then you can make this summbitch)
Filling: 4.5 (for ingenuity)
Aftermath: 3 (sooo greasy)
My Dad, god bless him, made up this sandwich before I was even born and whenever we'd have family breakfasts he'd make these things up...for himself!! Okay okay okay okay, occasionally we'd have them too. These get the Toast stamp of approval so when you have the time, take a moment and make them yourself. Basically, just make an English muffin, slather that summbitch with peanut butter (I prefer chunky), throw some bacon on it, smoosh it together, and eat. Awfully tasty. Downside...may cause a heart attack.
Monte Cristo
Deliciousness: 4.5
Convenience: 0
You know what, I'm not gonna write anymore about a sandwich that you have to make french toast before you can enjoy it. FUCK and NO!!
Well, that is pretty much it. I mean, I can get into your sandwich staples like chicken salad, ham and cheese, tuna melts (so fucking good except you have to make tuna and that smells up the kitchen), and chicken pitas but I have to get to work at some point. And, I guess I'll leave you with the following. It's been in my head the past few days, hence the picture. Hilarious I tells you!!! HILL-LARIOUS!!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
"YEE-HAW!!! You Are Fuckin' Literate!"

Last night the Toast here trekked to a Borders in nearby Tysons Corners, VA for a book reading of "Men With Balls" by KSK Co-Founder and Deadspin Contributor Drew Magary. For those in the know, it was just as awesome as it sounds!!!
Drew, I can't really bring myself to call him by his blogging surname of Big Daddy Drew, basically read a few passages from his book, answered some questions, met and shook hands with everyone that showed up, chatted away for about a half hour, and then hit the bar with his fans in tow. It was, just as I expected it to be; low key, cordial, hilarious, and genuine all topped off with delicious alcohol. Realistically, I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Well, I guess the book reading/signing could just have easily taken place in the bar, but I don't make those decisions and I think, he may not have either. Damn you publisher who shall remain nameless, DAMN YOU (shakes fist)!
Not gonna lie to you, I had a few road sodas on the way out there to boot. A couple tasty Arrogant Bastard Pale Ales and with the drive taking close to 45 minutes due to traffic, I had to go something fierce as pulled in to park. After downing what remained of road soda no.3, I ran into Borders desperately searching for the bathroom as we still had a few moments till this little reading got underway. And who should I run into as I approached the men's room, Mr. Magary himself. We did the dance as we tried to go past one another; you know, you both go right, then go left, continue. This was followed by his simple, yet polite: "Sorry." I countered with: "Here, I'll go this way." He was taller than I thought he'd be. Whatever.
One nice point from last night's little reading was that Drew also read a post from his FKS days, which I always thought were hilarious, as they seemed to be a bit more personal; for the simple fact that...they were indeed more personal. I don't know, I guess it comes down to, writing, for or about yourself always seems to have a way different feel than the alternative, a book of dick and fart jokes.
Nevertheless, good times all around. Had a few beers, a few laughs, what-have-you's. All that and I was able to go to bed at a reasonable hour. Hot damn, that's good Wednesday!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
"Who am I?? I'm a fucking Veteran."
Happy Veteran's Day everybody. Now, if we can just keep these G.D. kids from riding their skateboards and listening to this "rock music". I tell ya what, this generation is worse than the hippies, the flappers, and the Nazis combined...at least the hippies gave us those fat watchbands, and the flappers could dance, and the Nazis had that song "Eight Days a Week". What?? That was the Beatles?? Well who did I say??
In all seriousness, thank you for what you did for this country.
Now thats out of the way, I do really like this Weezer tune. The album, well to me it's really just another Weezer album, not great but fun to listen to. A few good jams and I have a top notch time while rocking it but when it's done I just don't really want to listen to Weezer for a day or two. Ok, I'm outta here, word on the street is I have my review coming up. Well, it's not really word on the street if your boss told you about it and has already agreed up luncheon plans. I'm sooo gonna get me a reuben. That raise yet remains undecided.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Just sitting here, eatin' and wearin' me some sweatpants
Following my Friday night of getting kinda drunk at the hands of some mighty potent IPA and being kind of an ass when the ladyfriend and I met up with some of her co-workers, I was left alone on both my Saturday and Sunday as Kool-Aid was out in the Atlantic City for a bachelorette party. Now, part of me wanted to go out and woop it up like the good ol' weekends of my single days. You know, boy's night out type of stuff. Or was this to be my weekend to just put no effort out whatsoever and reap the benefits of being home alone with nothing on the agenda?? Eureka!! I am the greatest man alive. Time to bust out them sweatpants.
Now, when you're hunkering in for a long haul weekend, you're going to need some supplies. So, I spent part of my Saturday morning going out and loading up on the "essentials" for the weekend.
- Root beers? Check.
- Delicious real beers? Check (Remember, you've got games to watch, time to stock up!!)
- Random Hilarity for those down times? Check
- 3.5 lb top round roast for Chigago Style Italian Beef Sandwiches? Check and mate.
About the only thing that went wrong on this little venture would be the fact that I was kinda hungover from drinking my dinner the night before. Oh..and I accidentally bought dark chocolate peanut m&m's. Not a deal breaker mind you, but the Toast here prefers the classic ones. What can I say, I'm a man of tradition.
Now, the remainder of the weekend, aside from a rather responsible trip to the gym on Sunday morning, was spent logging some sweet sweet couch time. With the Giants game on at 8pm on Sunday, estimated of total couch time nearing the double digits and that's pretty impressive. I can't even estimate the amount of stress on those sweats though. Lord knows what is holding them together as they had to endure, not only a significant portion of Italian beef digestion, but also deal with the chicken enchiladas I made for movie marathon Saturday. Oooh...bad chicken...mess you up!
Fortunately I get to welcome Kool-Aid home this evening, only to give reasons to why Fort Awesome has this ever present funk kicking through its ever so awesome walls. It's like a combination of beef jerky, sulfur, and a dead bobcat. Unfortunately the pumpkin spiced candle on the coffee table didn't stand a chance. Hurts not so good I tells ya, hurts not so good.
All that being thrown at you I have no real end to this post so I shall take a small bow. Coming soon to Toastedblog, intriguing, hard hitting, and possibly relevant material. Till then, you'll have to filter through this crap.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
"You don't understand who they thought I was supposed to be."
Man, Alice in Chains was a good time in their day. There is something about Layne Staley's voice that just causes you to be intrigued. Combine that with a little bit of harmonizing with Jerry Cantrell, plus some of his ominous guitar, and you've got a band that was turning some serious tricks in the early 90's. It's just too bad Staley couldn't kick that nasty smack habit. Take that as a lesson kids. Only take what you can handle and ALWAYS know your dealer.
Anywho, lets get to the meat and potatoes of this thing. After a few months of postponement on my part, I am now, once again, officially living the proverbial dream, if by dream you mean rocking early 90's grunge while at work or the random zany oddball 80's tune on the way home from the gym. You see, a while back my I-Pod, which typically stores approximately 70 gigs of beats, had a little hiccup in its ability to work properly and thus all information was promptly deleted causing me to just load up what music I had stored on my laptop as I was at the office at the time of aforementioned hiccuping. What I was left with was about 10 gigs of tunes, some of the favorites I guess you can call them. Spinning the favorites, that was me.
Well, after a few months time, even the favorites can almost wear on you. I mean, I don't know about you, but I can never tire of the guitar solo in Pearl Jam's "Even Flow". That being said, you still just gotta branch out people. I shouldn't have to tell you this but there is a bit more out there than just Greatest Hits compilations. And, on cue, enter one of my most prized possessions, my portable hard drive. 320 Gigs loaded to the gills with sick beats, random shows, basically all of the music that I have collected over the past 15 years. If that thing ever goes in a fire, I'm toast. HA! Get it?! No, in all seriousness, if I lose that hard drive, I may very well drive into a bridge embankment.
So, where is all this going you may ask. Well, I finally took the time to reload my I-Pod with some new stuff; hence the Alice in Chains talk. Quite a bit to choose from, and unfortunately, still some more work to be done as I-Tunes is unable to convert some of these music files so this is going to require a bit of ripping albums to the program itself. Looks like someone has a project for the weekend. JACKPOT!! Hours spent with nonsense in front of a computer, that doesn't sound familiar at all.
Its gonna be sooo worth it though. If it is any close to the enjoyment that I'm getting out of Dirt then I'm going to rock the shit out of it!! I've got quite the mix of albums lined up for my work day today. Obviously we started with some well deserved AIC and its only going to get more random, yet awesome, from here. We've got Nirvana's Bleach, a whole mess of early Chili Peppers, and Badmotorfinger by Soundgarden to get to. And that's only the morning. Wait till the afternoon when we "wind down" with all the Jethro Tull you can handle. Oh man, I can't wait for "Minstrel in the Gallery". Sometimes I wish I worked at a radio station; I would have made a hell of a DJ.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Vote for Change.
Monday, November 03, 2008
"Guess what?! I've got a fever, and the only prescription.....is more Toastedblog."
Oh...hello. Didn't see you walk in there. So, how we doin' Toastedblog faithful?? It seems we've been a bit out of touch here of late. I know, I know, it's predominantly my fault but when you're livin' for the city, life seems to zoom by, often out of control. Take these scenarios for minute. A lil' bit of the recent what up and highlights in the life of, yours truly, Mayor McToast. I'm not promising much, but what you read is true. We'll catch up with you soon, for realsies. Right now, I'm pooped.
"How Bout 'Dem Cowboys?!"
Yesterday the Toast, with Kool-Aid in tow, trekked up ol' NY way for the Giants vs. Cowboys game. Highlights include, delicious sandwich, some beers, meeting up with Pa Cregg and a few of his buddies, some guy falling off one of those motorized ride-on coolers. Oh, and the Cowboys getting trounced by the Giants defense. Oh Mama is right!!
More important was the fact that I was actually at the game. We had a bit of a close call in the ticket acquisition portion of this particular Giants game. My Uncle, who resides in Buffalo, NY and holds the family's season tickets had sent them next day air on Thursday to Fort Awesome (Alexandria, VA). Well, apparently to our friends at FedEX, next day air means not showing up till Monday. This is actually an assumption as tickets still are not in my possession and I am giving them the benefit of the doubt that they will arrive today; 3 full days after they were supposed to. Some fancy footwork made this dream a reality though. Kudos to the NY Giants Ticket Box Office and Uncle Bob for getting on the horn on Saturday and allowing me not to waste $200. Congrats, you should all be quite proud to recieve the Avis "We Try Harder" award. At Avis, where we try harder.
"You know what? SPRINTS!!"
Below is a picture of the Toast at Halloween last year. Why am I showing you a picture of a Halloween costume from a full calender year ago?? Because my dream of being Johnny Mac this year never came to fruition due to lack of white short shorts searching and thus was left this most recent Halloween to re-live the dream that was, the High School Gym Coach. Note the gut internet audience, that's four pillowcases and a t-shirt or two hard at work there.

*Key sidenote*: this costume won the Toast third place in his Annual At-Work Halloween Costume Contest. Third prize was that I was just given another beer. You know what.....I have no problem with that. Special congrats to Kool-Aid as well, who makes her official Toastedblog debut, in a little skirt and neckerchief no less. Quite provocative Kool-Aid, quite indeed. Something tells me that with a quick blow from my whistle I should be making her do a few squat-thrusts, OW!!
"Just like my main man, GW."
On Saturday Kool-Aid and I spent the day hiking some trail a number of miles that leads to nearby Mount Vernon, VA. Not much to add here, I just wanted you to know that I spent some on my weekend time taking in some well deserved history of one of America's founding fathers and our country's first president. Plus, that G.D. estate has quite the view...and it's own distillery. Yowzers!!
There's been other stuff but to be all honest my brain isn't working so well as there was a ton of time spent behind the wheel of a Passat going back and forth to the NYC yesterday, leaving early yesterday and arriving home at Fort Awesome quite late last night. You'll hear about all the madcap hilarity from someone, trust me.