Thursday, April 16, 2009

What's in a name??

Well folks, this just in. Kool-Aid and I are getting a dog. The past few weeks has been a proverbial roller coaster ride in trying to adopt one but we've finally made some head way over the last week. Basically, adopting a dog from an agency in Northern Virginia is more difficult than storming the beaches of Normandy, completing the necessary pre-requisite testing for entering college, and quitting smoking combined. We've literally sent out dozens of applications with little to no response until just recently we heard back. Take a look below.

Tonight the plan is to meet the foster parent, wow her with my hauntingly beautiful blue eyes and Kool-Aid's ability to use big words, meet said pup, and let the agency take it from there. All this needs to get done in time for me to watch Game 1 of the Bruins v. Canadians series. thinks it is going to be a bit tougher than anticipated. HUZZAH DVR..HUZZAH!!

Anyway, the course of action now is to name this little fella. I like this guy the best but this foster lady has a few pups, of mixed genders (OW!!) to choose from. Since this pup attainment operation was put in motion, the wheels have been turning in order to get a name that seems fit for a dog owned by the likes of folks named Toastie and Kool-Aid. Long story short, There are some requirements so, it's kinda gotta be kick ass. Maybe something that ties in to my likes, wants, needs, and general all around awesomeness. But it also has to reflect the gender a bit too. I mean, there's no need naming a girl dog "Gary" now is there?? has to be kinda stupid (i.e. Gary). Feel free to toss out any ideas but here's some of what we've been thinking. The ones with the music references are pretty much all me.

- Bayliss (Front man of Umphrey's)
- Janie (from "Janie Jones" by the Clash)
- Bowie
- Eddie "Barkey von Schnauzer"
- the aforementioned "Gary"
- Josie (came to me while I was listening to "The Inlaw Josie Wales" by Trey Anastasio)
- Buster (for so many reasons)
- Dusty Bottoms (see "Three Amigos")
- Ripley (Aliens is the shit!! Regardless, it's a pretty good dog name)
- Daltrey (sounds like a Butler, but an homage to the Who's front man)
- O'Riley (kinda goes with the above, i.e. "Baba O'Riley)
- McCready (anything to do with Mike McCready basically is synonymous with awesome)
- eh...there's others


DG Dunford said...

Give it time.

Ashley said...

Sooooooooooooo cute!!!!!