Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Leftovers, Puppies, and Hockey

As you can see my plan for the evening is pretty simple. Kool-Aid is going to be out and about doing Kool-Aid things till late, the Bruins are up 3-0 in their series against the Habs, I have leftover chicken enchiladas in the fridge, and a 10 week old black lab puppy that is in the process of learning all of the Alpha's rules. Since Kool-Aid isn't going to be around, she's just going to have to experience Fort Awesome run by the Toast. Ooooh....get ready for your first sip of beer there little lady. You'll soon learn to love it, just like me.

Oh...and there's this. You're probably already picking up what I'm about to put down by now by Kool-Aid and the Toast are the proud owners of a small, sack of flour sized black lab pup whom we've dubbed "Tessie" (song posting to come, stupid at work internet filters). Prepare yourselves to be beaten over the head with all sorts of puppy pictures, inuendos, and random stories regarding her cuteness as I have a pretty good feeling that I'm going to be "that" type of dog owner. She's just too damn awesome not to be. Photos to come so my many, many internet readers can bask in and gaze at all her splendor.

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