Thursday, January 29, 2009


I am currently in Panama City Beach, Florida for work and I have just committed my first relapse in regards to Toastie's Detox Jam '09. A long afternoon of traveling, plane flights, and layovers in Hot-Lanta pushed me in entirely the wrong direction. At least it was two for one drink night. If I'm going to hit up a couple beers, might as well get some free ones to go along with it.

After all was said and done though, I feel like I let myself down. Sure, I can use the excuse that I am on the road and eating to my fullest potential is easier said than done. But the fact that I know that I just put down a chicken fajita pita, a heap o' beers, and a side of fries in under an hour is not sitting so pretty with the Toast. I mean, I wasn't necessarily struggling to keep this detox thing going, but in just a few minutes it seems as though all of the good work I've done of late was simply erased. Eh, whatever, this is what happens when you don't have a Kool-Aid to talk to during your evenings and you find that there is nothing on the 27 channels your Hilton Garden Inn room gets. No one told me that The Office and 30 Rock weren't on tonight. That's bull honky if I've ever seen it!!!

On that note, a clip of a song that I can't get out of my head of late. Sweet Jebus Wilco is fucking awesome.

Wilco - "Side With The Seeds"

While I'm at it, let's just keep going shall we??

Wilco - "Impossible Germany"


DG Dunford said...

You're in Panama City Beach for work?

Do you work for one of those places that sells trips to college students?

Ashley said...

Um, you're allowed to cheat every now and again for your sanity. As long as you stick to the overall plan, you're being healthier!!! so don't beat yourself up, Toast.