Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Day Full O' Dang It's

Yesterday, the Monday following the Super Bowl, was dang it filled. Audience, this is not a good thing. Had it been reverse dang it filled, then we have something completely different on our hands. But day was not loaded to the gills with cheese steaks, nor did it feature the Toast finding some much desired free loot. Hell, I didn't even get groped in the elevator at work. Instead, I was fortunate enough to bear through the following. Ladies and gentlemen, I give to you, my day full o' dang its.

Dang It 1: Monday's dang its start early, alarm doesn't go off and I wake up at about 8am. Did I mention that I have a heap of shit to attend to at work, including an online Quickbooks training that starts bright and early?? I didn't??? Well, I had a heap of shit to attend to at work, including an online Quickbooks training that starts bright and early.

Dang It 2: Following the norm, which is a shave free weekend, I am in need of a clean shave only to discover that I am out of shave gel. I am forced to let loose a bar of soap to tackle my three days worth of stubble. This is not comfortable in the least and I now sport the severe razor burn to prove it.

Dang It 3: At this point in the morning I continue my Toastie Detox Jam '09 and take these cleansing pills that aid in the "process" if you get my drift. My recent work travels had me out of sorts for a few days. The return to Detox Jam '09 by consuming these cleansing pills open the flood gates as they say. I proceed to shit my brains out for a good ten minutes. By the way, I still haven't left for work yet and its about 9am.

Dang It 4: Looks like I'm not the only one late this morning as traffic is wicked. Not a good wicked ("Oh man, these potato skins are wicked!!!") More like witch of the west type wicked. This is not good for all involved, namely me.

Dang It 5: I need to get gas so I stop. I proceed to fill my tank but disregard pumping stoppage when I fail to hear the gas tank close off valve do it's work. Gas starts flooding the ground at my feet and just rushing out of the Passat with no name. I now smell like a varying grade of super unleaded as gas has gotten all over my hands and pant leg. Oh, that'll be good for business.

Dang It 6: Remember when I mentioned that I had a online training to attend? Well, this one sort of worked out as I read the time wrong and the class actually begins at 9:30 central, making it 10:30 am Toast Time. Although, you didn't think I could get away with it that easily did you?? Well, I didn't. The company that provides the training fails to send me the link to access the class and the phone number to dial in for the teleconference. 30 minutes later, all spent with customer service, I gain the required information and join up with class already in progress.

Dang It 7: I am now forced to sit through 8 plus hours of Quickbooks information. Sigh.....

Dang It 8: Stupid Toastie Detox Jam '09. I have to eat a salad for lunch and since I'm eating lunch at like 3pm because of this class, there is nothing left at the salad bar to choose from so I eat lettuce with carrots, peppers and onions. This isn't buffalo chicken nachos at all.

Dang It 9: Even though I have signed up for this training class, this does not give the Toast a get out of work free card. It is 6:45 at night and now I start what work I need to complete for tomorrow.

Dang It 10: I find out over the phone that a good friend is going through a rough patch with his special lady. The ever dreaded uber dang it!! I won't make any jokes about this; this kind of stuff sucks. I do my best to just offer to be there for a chat should it be needed. That being said, I want to find a weekend that I can head out his way for a visit. He lives in Boston, and I'm always up for a trip to Beantown. We'll just have to see whats in the the cards through the next few weeks as Boston isn't exactly around the corner. If I can swing a day off or two from work, I'll definitely do it.

Dang It 11: This is me being somewhat selfish. Kool-Aid is going through a rough patch at work, being that she works in HR and her company is currently executing a few "changes" at the office place. So, she's been working 'round the clock and been stressed out to the max. Why am I mentioning this?? Well, after a long day I'd like to be able to hang out with Kool-Aid and just forget about what ails us. Kool-Aid doesn't get home well after I, like 9:30 at night type of stuff. This is after she has been going into work all weekend and working super long hours for a few weeks now. And when we do hang around together, she's too burnt out or stressed out to really be there. It's frustrating, and difficult, and an all around dang it as I basically spent this last weekend, in it's entirety, alone. I know I shouldn't complain, and it's not her choosing. But what is this blog if it's not a place to just write shit out, vent, what-have-you. I remain, sitting idly by and taking it all with a grain of salt.

Well, there you have it. By the time I got home all that I was able to do for myself was to eat a couple of leftover peanut m&m's from the Super Bowl for dinner and watch a few episodes of 30 Rock to get me to forget about the crap day that I had. Oh, these dang it's don't stop here either. I forgot my lunch at home this morning. Faaaantastic. Eh...here's to keep on keepin' on I guess. It can't be all bad right??

1 comment:

Willie Moe said...

Maybe this'll cheer ya up buddy, "See, Columbo, he pretends to be dumb, bu really he's sharp like tack!"