Monday, January 12, 2009

"Hatin' life right now, aren't ya??"

Today's Toastedblog title was just said to me as I was walking to go get a cup of coffee following a good two hour meeting. You see, the Toast here has a back that currently has him in a considerable amount of pain. Simply put, walking is kinda a chore right now. Well, fellow co-workers see a usually upbeat and ever-so-mobile Toast staggering around the office like a 90 year old man, they're going to say something.

And my friend Dashiel was right, I am hatin' life right now. Not only the whole back thing, but the Giants looking like a heap of garbage yesterday afternoon in their loss to Philadelphia. Oh well, at least I have more time to focus on the severe pain that is limiting any and all motions. Sigh....good news is that I get to go skiing in two days. How the hell am I going to be able to do that??

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