Monday, January 05, 2009

Fort Awesome, Now 100% More Fortified, 200% More Awesome

Happy 2009 (officially) internet peoples. So, now that's out of the way I have a chipwich that says I know what you all are thinking. Why is it, that after repeated promises of more Toastedblog, that we have to wait until the 5th of January for an update on the world of the Toast?? Well, since you asked so politely, and are obviously showing some significant concern for something that you all hold so dear to your hearts, I shall tell you. I've moved bitches!!!

You heard that right folks, my apartment, aptly dubbed "Fort Awesome", has been traded in for something at least ten times more awesome than it's predecessor. The Toast here is on a gravy train with biscuit wheels. I mean, I have stairs people.....STAIRS!!! Kool-Aid and I, in an ever pressing quest to make life habitable for a new addition have decided to move on up and thus, have waved bye-bye to the days of single bedroom apartment living. You're reading the creative genius of a man that single handedly doubled his fort's awesomeness. Oh..please, please; hold all applause.

New "Fort Awesome" is a town home, duplex, whatever you want to call it located in Arlington, VA. New "Fort Awesome" is three floors of sheer manliness with only about 85% of a beautiful woman's touch; I get to use the finished basement for my many many mantastic activities, Kool-Aid gets the rest. New "Fort Awesome" has a backyard for stuff that dudes like, like horseshoes...or patio furniture for entertaining outdoor guests. New "Fort Awesome" has a laundry room for cleaning my rugby shit...or drying racks for wool sweaters and other delicates. New "Fort Awesome" is located near a sandwich shop built for men...called "The Broiler". New "Fort Awesome" also has room for gardening and landscaping with only the prettiest of roses, lilies, orchids, poinsettias, etc.

Most importantly however, New "Fort Awesome" took like a morning to move into. For the few days surrounding the New Year, Kool-Aid and I took over carloads of boxes as to make the actual moving day as easy as possible; so, a U-Haul truck loaded with our furniture and other big stuff was all that we'd have to move on our official moving day, which was this past Saturday. I should rephrase some of that, most importantly was the fact that we had a few friends helping us out so that my back is still intact, as opposed to fucking killing me. With the weekend spent unpacking and waiting for the cable guy to come set up our internet late Sunday afternoon my mind is kind of lost today. I even had to ask the cable guy who won the playoff games on Saturday as I had absolutely no clue because all I did on that day was unload heavy shit, open up boxes, and get drunk come night time. YES!! (/does fist pump)

All said and done however, I am just a little off today. Getting ready for the office this morning took some actual thought as opposed to just going through the motions, I had to take a new morning route, I couldn't find my aftershave (fingers crossed, no dry chin skin), and I have this feeling as though I left something important at home. Guess it'll take some time to get used to. Oh well, we'll toss you some updates soon, even some photos of my Christmas in Florida, my Sister's Wedding, and the haps on this whole New "Fort Awesome". Just you try to contain your excitement you kooky bastards!!! Oh, and that new addition that was mentioned above, it's not what you think it is. We're getting a dog. Toast OUT!!

1 comment:

Ashley said... fooled me with the new addition!!! You're vewwwwwy sneaky!

Sounds like the new Fort Awesome is...awesome ;)