Thursday, November 18, 2004

Today on Toastedblog, the part of Toastie will be played by Casey Cregg

Hello. Am I doing this right?? Well, unfortunately Toastie couldn't make it in today so he has entrusted his alter ego to fulfill some of his blogging duties. Can you believe this is the third entry of the week, AMAZING. Not much has happened to the Toast since the last time we caught up with him. Hell, that was only a day ago. What do you expect from le Toast, its the middle of the work week!! Anywho, I am not trying to get upset like my toasted counterpart (que the "I'm getting very upset" comments ala Toastie). Instead, I am killing some time as a portion of our database is down here at the office. That's right, I have a database; What of it??!! This was not how it was suppossed to go at all.

Well, big news here in toastedland. That is, bigger news than the Bo Hall team victory in Clarke's trivia last night (yeah, we got second place); which is huge in its own right. Seeing as how the greatest of holidays is almost upon us we are going to have a surprise visitor staying here. Well, actually two surprise visitors. That's right internet audience, Katie and that loveable chocolate lab named after the greatest power foward the NHL has ever seen are stopping by for some good time holiday cheer. If you all cannot remember who my sister is or what she looks like, let's re-live her embarrassment by plastering her picture and information on the world wide web. Hopefully, some of my friends will be around to help show her a wonderful time as she is as crazy and fun as Toastie is, without the clever nickname in the Portuguese spelling. How long is she going to be in town for?? Well, I'd like it to be for a good long while seeing as how I never took full advantage of hang out time when she used to live in PA and then, most recently, Binghampton. But now, like my younger brother, she has fled the Empire State in a move to Michigan which happened back in March. That led to a combined 28 plus hours in a moving van with my father as we had to drive her belongings to Grand Rapids back in the spring. Let me tell you, as you have no idea how awesome it is spending that much time in a large slow moving vehicle with just your father. There is only so much of that a man can take. Ok, I am getting off track.

So, Kate and Camy are coming in next Wednesday and I am pretty happy about this. You may remember from a previous toastedblog entry that my brother visited back at the end of the summer and that was great. But, I haven't seen my sister since the aforementioned Grand Rapids move and needless to say that I am looking forward to it. Kate and I were pretty close growing up and seeing as how we are Irish twins (we are 11 months apart) we are still. Not as close as we'd both like but the distance of half the country between us makes it difficult, not to forget our busy schedules. Katie is an animal nutritionist, basically a big animal vet. From what I gather, she travels to farms and checks out the livestock (mostly the moo cows) making sure they are getting the right feed and care. Camy travels with her. That must be great, your job consisting of driving on the farm roads in a pick up with your dog. I'd be rocking out to Pearl Jam while working as well. Hopefully she does too. Drive safe Kate and we'll see you in less than a week. Remember, Aunt Julie is my godmother so that means I get the majority of the turkey leftovers. HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! (maniacal laugh)


Bojangles said...

Toast, I need you back. I accidentally erased your post in my overly zealous editing while trying to allow your Uncle Jitter to stand rightside-up.

yoni cohen :: said...


Came across your blog today. Geat stuff. Agree with your thoughts on Craig Forth.

Noticed you were a college basketball fan. Hoping you could (create a blogroll and) add a link to my College Basketball Blog, I'd very much appreciate a link on your site.

And would gladly return the favor, adding a link from my site to yours.


Yoni Cohen,
College Basketball Blog