Monday, October 13, 2008

"Shit, if this gonna be that kind of party I gonna stick my dick in the mashed potatoes."

In about 15 minutes I am set to attempt a straight dead sprint to the passat, put it in drive, and trek the 20 mile journey home to miss as little as possible of Game 3 between the Sawx and Tampa, opening pitch is slated for 4:37 pm. Hopefully this game isn't the 5 1/2 hr plus extra inning affair (and Red Sox loss) that this past Saturday brought to us as the Giants are also on Monday Night Football tonight, taking on the mighty Cleveland Browns. Thank God I'm a good boyfriend cause the next few hours for the Toast, well, they're going to be off..the hook. To quote good pal Uncle Jitter "we're not gonna live to see midnight."


James said...

great blog
i enjoyed some funny post.
regards from Chile

Toastie said...

Thank you James, not my best work but knowing I got Chile on board is a step in the right direction.

WE'VE GOT CHILE ON BOARD (off goes the airhorn)!!!

Anonymous said...

So I posted on your wall before I saw this... perhaps you should have gone the mashed potato route. It may have been a better evening. I was NOT pleased last night, guessing you were of the same opinion.