Friday, July 25, 2008

Now that's some pretty sweet fist-pumping!!

Get a look at this idiot!! Dancing away to assorted 80's dance hits at his buddy's pre-wedding welcome party done Disney style this past Saturday evening. More Toasted updates via goofy pictures to come; just wanted to post some sort of update here to let all know that I haven't completely fallen out of touch. I'll let y'all in on a little secret here to boot. Believe it or not, the Toast pictured above is not the least bit sober. Pretty sure that by the time the shirt came untucked during this little shindig I was about 12 beers, a shot or two, and a few jager-bombs deep. And that was prior to hitting the dance floor, who knows where I was during this particular photo op.

"Everybody..King Kong ain't got shit on me!!! BANG BANG!!"


Ashley said...

What hit song were you dancing to here? haha.

Toastie said...

I'm pretty sure that it was "Jungle Love" by Morris Day and Jerome, but don't quote me. That shit is the maaad notes! written by God herself and sent down to the greatest band in the world, the mutha-fuckin' Time!!