Friday, October 01, 2004

Day filled with Dang Its!!

The dang it. It's a less threatening version of damn it, far less threatening than "real" profanity; but mark my words, a dang it is not something that is to be looked on lightly. Today has been the day filled with dang its; hence the title. Lets delve into this a little deeper by listing out said dang its so y'all know what the Toast is talking about.

Dang It No. 1 - Last night I stepped in a divot in the field at rugby practice and rolled my ankle. Mind you, it is not sprained, twisted, or broken, but it still is sore. There's a dang it.

Dang It No. 2 - After rugby practice and trip to the bar, I came home and my evening got carried away with NFL 2k5. Because of this, only a few hours sleep; I am wicked tired.

Dang It No. 3 - I must have been grinding my teeth something fierce last night because my jaw was killing me this morning. I even took over the recommended amount of advil and followed that up with some extra strength motrin. No dice!! Over-the-counter drugs have no effect on me. Tremendous dang it.

Dang It No. 4 - Suprisingly enough, work has been unfulfilling today. Who knew??

Dang It No. 5 - Why do I continually go to chinese buffets. Mind you, this dang it I brought upon myself. I feel like I have been throwing up in my mouth all afternoon.

Dang It No. 6 - I have some sort of writer's block, that is why this blog is about my dang its.

Dang It No. 7 - When I went to my car this morning, I noticed that my passenger side window was down all evening, leaving a portion of my car soaked; excellent.

Dang It No. 8 - Yankees won last night, clinched the AL east, hearing about that from yankee fans, dang it. Sox not having home field advantage, tremendous dang it.

I have an action packed weekend of the usual, rugby, friends, football and whatever. Later.

1 comment:

purchase research papers said...

You know, this is the case when swearing accompanies insubordination against a superior or humiliation of an inferior employee. However, in other cases it may not be grounds for instant dismissal