Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Wait. People run.....for enjoyment???

Hey all. Toast here coming at you for the first time in a minute yo! Lately the Toast has begun another venture that is basically just another attempt to having him look good in pants. Detox Jam '09 has the Toast down 19 pounds, but there is still a bit more to go. So, for no other reason that it starting to be nice outside and you all know how I love the out-of-doors, the Toast is currently training to run a marathon.

Stupid as it sounds, this is something that really is not that out of the ordinary for the Toast. I mean, I've run before, I can do it again. I've done 5K's, 10K's, the Boilermaker in Syracuse which is just a fancy term for 15K that has beer for you at it's completion, but I've never quite upped the anty like this before.

Realistically, all that I have done is gone out and run 11 miles in the past two days but I have made the conscious decision to at least have competing a marathon as a goal, especially as a fella who has knee problems. Where this decision will take me, who knows really. All that I can do, other than making it a point to run my ass off, is to check in from time to time and see if it is still on the ol' Toast's agenda. To tell you the truth, I'm a sorta hoping that this one sticks. Kinda looking forward to saying that I, the Toast, completed a marathon.


Ashley said...

A marathon! What a cool ambition. One that I would HATE. haha. I hate running! But for the Toast...awesome!

I bet Kool-Aid already thinks you look dapper in your pants :)

DG Dunford said...

I've heard good things about the Marine Corps Marathon in October in your backyard.

I'm shooting for the accompanying 10k.