Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Wait. People run.....for enjoyment???

Hey all. Toast here coming at you for the first time in a minute yo! Lately the Toast has begun another venture that is basically just another attempt to having him look good in pants. Detox Jam '09 has the Toast down 19 pounds, but there is still a bit more to go. So, for no other reason that it starting to be nice outside and you all know how I love the out-of-doors, the Toast is currently training to run a marathon.

Stupid as it sounds, this is something that really is not that out of the ordinary for the Toast. I mean, I've run before, I can do it again. I've done 5K's, 10K's, the Boilermaker in Syracuse which is just a fancy term for 15K that has beer for you at it's completion, but I've never quite upped the anty like this before.

Realistically, all that I have done is gone out and run 11 miles in the past two days but I have made the conscious decision to at least have competing a marathon as a goal, especially as a fella who has knee problems. Where this decision will take me, who knows really. All that I can do, other than making it a point to run my ass off, is to check in from time to time and see if it is still on the ol' Toast's agenda. To tell you the truth, I'm a sorta hoping that this one sticks. Kinda looking forward to saying that I, the Toast, completed a marathon.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Caide Mile Failte

Pronounced kaid-mee-la-fawl-teh.

A hundred thousand welcomes!!!! For those who aren't any in the least, go ahead and embrace your inner Irish. For those who play the part, respect and enjoy your lineage. Happy St. Patrick's Day everybody.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

"I guess it was the beatings...made me wise"

To continue the feelings below, I present you with the Toast's No. 1 song of all time.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

So....who's your name again???

Ok, this is starting to get a little bit ridiculous. I sit here at the foot hills of this blog every so often and I am only now getting officially worried. Why you ask??? Well, I have nothing to write about. I can't get the ol' noggin' jump started into dishing out creativity, hilarity, or even random movie quotes. Why?? I still feel smart, I mean, you should see what I've been doing around the office lately. But, whenever I show up at this page here and try to get the Toastie juices flowin' all that I'm left with at the end of the day......a total blank.

Now, granted my effort hasn't been on par of late, but the point that I am trying to make is....what the hell happened?!?!? I just need to break out of this funk that I seem to find myself in. My special lady friend is working insane hours and has been for a little while now. Myself, well I seem to be working insane hours to boot. Weekends??? Yeah...they just seem to be days to be doing work in jammies at home, as opposed to going on hikes and enjoying the wilderness. Weekends??? Their highlights of late have consisted of a trip to Target to get shit and spending under $100 at the grocery store. Really??? Is this what I sought out?? This is what I went to college for and continue to this very day to pay a shitload of student loans for. So I can turn my existence into two week pay intervals, just so I can in turn dish that money back to various lending industries, service providers, and $10 a week on fucking apples habit?!?! Not in my house Jackson!!!

But I must stay the course. I must persevere. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger right?? Well, then why am I complaining about this incredibly lost feeling that I am finding in myself?? Why then am I not strong enough to break free?? I'm not dead yet and I've been dealing with garbage for as long as I can remember so I've got to be fucking Terminator strong by now. I've been listening to music that preaches rebellion, standing up for what you are, and taking off for greener pastures when the future is bleak all of my life. Why am I still a corporate stooge instead of living the sweet life overseas somewhere?? Why am I not doing something that I love instead of wasting away in my office that no longer has windows (my team was moved during a restructuring/cutting of dead weight) but rather an exquisite view of the thermostat that starts each day at 72 degrees only to have other mindless drones who happen to be cold continuously turn it up until at the end of my day it reads 79. 79 fucking degrees??? What the hell people, just put a sweater on if you're that cold. No office should be 80 G.D. degrees. Anyway, what is going on here??? That answer should be simple enough. I CAN'T get away now.

On the agenda for the very near future is a weekend trip back home to Syracuse, NY for Pa Cregg's 57th birthday, one of which will hopefully clear up some things. Maybe that is what I need, just a few days away. Away from work, away from this feeling of "blargh". I've already planned on calling in sick with "March Madness" as to make this a good four days off as opposed to driving up on Friday night, only to spend another 6 plus hours in the car just one day later as I speed back to the District on Sunday. A couple days with friends that I haven't seen since Thanksgiving and in most cases even longer, sleeping in my old bed, joking around with my Dad, drinking Canadian Beer, watching days upon days of the tournament, eating reubens that don't cost $13...could this work??

Friday, March 06, 2009

"The End is Nigh"

Who will watch "The Watchmen"?? I tell you what, I'm certainly gonna. I've been way too amped up for this movie for about 2 years now; increasingly so over the past three weeks as I've almost literally been counting down the days. Hot damn, this is gonna kick so much ass one might call it unparalleled. An unparalleled amount of ass kicking; ass kicking without parallel.

Basically nothing I can do or say will change how you the reader feel about "The Watchmen", the movie or the graphic novel. Just the other day Kool-Aid remarked about how long the movie has been advertised: "It seems like these previews have been out forever." This has been a project that has been in the works for quite some time and all that I can really add to it is that I've been somewhat patient in my waiting for it to arrive. Well...that day has come. My suggestion, and it should be fairly obvious to you, is to do what I do. Grab your favorite Kool-Aid and go see it. Have I ever led you, my internet reader, astray??