Sunday, December 25, 2005

So this is Christmas?

Merry Christmas folks. Not gonna lie to you but its not the best holiday this Toast has had seeing as how I am still airing my grievances from Festivus but it is still a time for family and to be with the ones you love so I got that goin' for me....which is nice. Uber smooth with the ladies kid brother Cory is in town for the holiday so there's a little bonus hop in my step and there's always some grand eating to be had at the Godmother's. Aunt Julie, you never seem to let my tummy down. Word on the street is that there's gonna be plenty of peanut butter fudge. Now that's what I call the Jackpot!!! I just wanted to take a quick minute and wish another Merry Christmas to all of those who I know and love. You know who you are. But on the slight chance that you may be concerned with the amount of Toast love this Irish scamp has in store for you, puhlease, you are encouraged to ask. I can give hugs like no other. And open handed slaps to the mouth. Enough of this, I gots me some turkey to get my hands on. Merry Christmas and Happy Belated Festivus to all. You mean more that you know.

More Casey adventures to come.....

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