Friday, January 13, 2006

Has it really been almost ten years??

Take a look at the picture you see below. What you see is Senior Toast on picture day for my high school hockey team. Look at me, so young, so full of promise and boyish good looks. Now I struggle to barely keep this train wreck of a blog up to date. It's Friday the 13th and here I am with my first entry of 2006 and what is it about, teenage Toast. Check out the red pants though. Lookin' sharp my friend. And my, could I pick up those rebounds in the slot; not to mention go into the corners with the elbows up. Elbows high, that's what my Dad would always say. My penalty minute stats definitely proved that I was listening.

Toast just the way I like it, aged 17 years. Posted by Picasa

Back then, I wasn't the Toast. Just Casey. I didn't have to worry about going back to school in a few days so I could complete my education certification. As far as I knew, I was going to head down to the University of Pittsburgh and become a chemical engineer. There was never a thought of sticking around Central New York for College and I had a good idea of where I was heading in life. There was no bionic shoulder (although my senior year would ultimately lead to my having reconstructive surgery), no difficulties with money, and love had yet to kick the shit out of me. I had some goals that I wanted to achieve and it seems that I am almost further away from them now then I was when this picture was taken.

Does this mean that I am disappointed in where my life is now, close to 10 years later? No, not really. I've had a ball. But that may be just it. The Toast is not getting all serious on his readers. This is just one of those things that you think about when you are struggling to get to sleep. But I am at least heading in the right direction. Classes start in a little over a week. Nervous? Far from it. Actually kind of looking forward to it all. Makes me wonder why I've put this off for....let's see four years now. I just know that I'm tired of being a college graduate that has to struggle to find a job. If there are any college advisors out there let me give you a piece of advice. Never, under any circumstances, allow a student to graduate with just a degree in History. Trust me, it doesn't work. Perhaps those fellas in Schenectady will see a bit more of me in the coming months as teaching in NY State requires some sort of Master's Degree. I hear SUNY Albany has a hell of a program...hint hint.

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