Wednesday, November 23, 2005

If you want to have some good Toastedblogs you've gotta grab 'em by the haunches and hump them into submission. It's the only way.

Ah Dodgeball, you're always good for a laugh. The sequence with Patches O' Houlihan teaching Average Joe's how to play by whipping wrenches at them sends me into hysterics everytime. recently I have been a bit out of it. Not gonna lie to you my Toastedblog friends but the the Toast was laid out on the couch for the majority of last week with some "flu-like" symptoms. Not good times, definitely bad times. My near death was in direct response to burning the ol' midnight candle for about a week and a half too long leaving me a shell of my normal awesome self. However, I did catch up on my daytime television and orange juice consumption. In case y'all are wondering though, the Toast is doin' mighty fine and looking forward to Turkey Day and having Aunt Julie load me up with some take home leftovers. YAHTZEE!!

So, what do we write about here for our Toastedblog faithful. A story of intrigue and espionage perhaps?? Erotica?? Tales of historic blunders featuring everyone's favorite Uncle Jitter?? Actually, I went to the NY Giants game on Sunday against the Eagles and really should have called JT for that game. I had an extra ticket and was pretty sure that he would have driven the hour from Philly to spend a few hours with yours truly in the Meadowlands. May even have helped cheer on Shockey or joined the Toast in his last place Eagles chant. LAST PLACE EA-GLES!! Hahaha, take that Phelps!! Dang it, I'm so stupid.

Ok, I am getting all sidetracked and I'm not even drinking. This post is to have a topic. A few nights ago while trying to get to sleep I found my traditional beddy bye time music to be some random Radiohead mix and I got thinking about a night spent with the boys over the summer and a talk that sent the Toast into a frenzy. Let's revisit shall we...

Picture if you can, a few good time having boys enjoying a few too many pops and the local bar where only rambly conversations can ensue. At this point I am chatting it up with Billy Ball and Bung's sister. (key sidenote, Bung is one of Jitter's teammates from college) The topic of choice, one of my top five, Radiohead. Now this was a simple enough discussion. First, I was all amped to find a fellow Radiohead enthusiast, especially one that is a lady. Seldom is this a topic of conversation amongst my friends for many of them have a not so good opinion about my musical tastes. Unless it happens to be about Uncle Huey. Anywho, basically at this point of the evening we were talking about which album of theirs happens to be our favorite. My answer is easy enough, for me that is. It's "The Bends". However, my party vehemently didn't agree with my decision, citing many other albums as more worthy choices.

"Oy!! I finks Toast be roght wif 'is opinions of me musik." Posted by Picasa

Now, I'm not trying to say that everyone who disagrees with my thoughts on this matter are way off, but in my opinion I'm pretty sure of what I enjoy. I didn't think that you could be wrong in having a favorite album by an artist, even if some of there more recent work happens to be better than what you enjoy. Bung's sister and Billy Ball both opted to select "OK Computer", which is great and had that been the album that I really grew to love the band that'd be up there as my top five. As for now, "The Bends" is where we're stayin'. I'm not taking shots or preaching to anyone on this, I just stick to my guns when it comes to my favorite music, movie, candy bar, anything and they'll never be changed. I guess what I am trying to say, the night as I was rehashing this drunken powwow, I started to think of what some of may all time favorites are and what their current counterparts may be. For your enjoyment I present the Toast's all time favorite five albums.

Pearl Jam, "Vs." (Yep, not Ten)
Radiohead, "The Bends"
Tool, "Aenima" (cue Javen's hatred of processedindustrialnewmetal Tool garbage comment)
Pink Floyd, "Animals"
Stone Temple Pilots, "Purple"

If you check my profile you'll even see that STP and Floyd aren't even the tops for me. Hell, many of you might not even consider these albums to be good. All I know is that when I am able to sit there and really give them a listen, these five always bring me back to where I was when I first gave them a listen and how they either stepped up and increased my love of their particular bands music or fully sold me on what's to come. Well, that is except for PJ, I was sold right away. For now, I leave this mess of a blog behind me for I am afraid to read it myself. Enjoy your Thanksgiving everybody. I have a night to prepare for.

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