Monday, May 18, 2009

Wait a tic...hold the phone....I'm going to Ireland on Friday?!?! it's kinda come to my attention that I am slated to head across the pond as they say at the end of the week; Friday to be exact. Not gonna lie to you internet audience, this has sort of caught me off guard. I mean, reservations have been made. My passport still flies. I can afford to take this trip. I know how to drive stick. Tessie Girl staying at her weekly dogwalker's arrangements have been made. Realistically, all I have to do is make sure I have enough underpants for 9 days in Ireland.

And yet...something seems amiss. I mean, am I excited to go; you bet your sweet bippy I am. I am looking forward to touring the Irish Countryside with Kool-Aid something very fierce. But how can it be that it is still to sink in?? Really, I've known about this trip for quite some time, this really isn't a surprise here. I don't know, perhaps it's due to the fact that my mind really isn't quite here at the office today and I've already checked out for this vacation that I can't seem to remember fully. Maybe I was sooo into Playoff Hockey that I am not really a part of the "real" and just mindlessly floating along?? Maybe I just need to suck it up and come to grips that I am heading to Awesome Town come week"s end?? Yeah...that last one seems about right.

To tell you the truth Toastedblog friends, no one could be as up for a trip to Ireland as your's truly. I mean, Europe, a few beers, a few laughs, my kin, fellow Cregg run-ins, QT with the Kool-Aid, boiled meats, Guinness, what-have-you's: this sure sounds like the real deal to me. And don't get me wrong, I am all-up-ons here. I just think that my head is a bit too focused on the task at hand (i.e. workies) and not really set with this whole kickass vacation thingie. Don't you worry, I'll be gettin' there. If not....there is something really wrong with me.

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