Thursday, June 09, 2005

"Who Died and Made You Mark Bellhorn?"

Where have you been Toastedblog?? Let me be the first to apologize to my loyal readers for my blog production has been slipping steadily. The only way to correct this problem, write a little synapsis of what the hell I have been up to. So, in order to satisfy Toastedblog supporters (if they still exist) and to coincide with weather restrictions (its summertime), I give you the short version of my last month. See future Toastedblogs for "real" posts.

Well, let's see, where do we start? I did find myself a job for the summer (that is til grad school) working for a Contractor who knows my father real well. Remember, if you will, back in March I lost my job for some seedy reasons. I now find myself actually making similar money to what I was getting at my last joint; and the real bonus, I am working outside all of the time as opposed to crappy office. Can you say golden brown Toast? Reverse Dang It!! A semi-tan Irishman!!! Its great let me tell you. No longer am I a pasty Toast.

We finished our spring rugby season the other week beating Saranac, and drinking afterwards!! Nice!! As a quick sidenote, I think I have been playing the last few weeks with a broken bone in my hand, right near where the thumb meets the wrist. While tackling some dude three weeks ago playing against a team from Fort Drum, my hand got stuck underneath him and we kinda slammed on top of it. I continued playing only stop to quickly tape up my thumb to prevent it from moving around. However, the days that followed saw my hand swell up to twice its size and me not being able to turn a doorknob. Well, its been a while and it really isn't bothering me anymore. From time to time I can notice something but, if it really was broken, I would have known it right?? I broke my wrist similarly in a hockey game in high school. By similarly, I mean that I didn't know anything was wrong until three days later. Anywho, we're doing ok now.

So, how does this Toastedblog title fit this post?? It makes no sense!! Well, it would if you were where I was last week. I WENT TO FENWAY!! Last weekend I hit up Boston with good buddies (and fellow Sox fans) Joe and Kyle for a few games. Some dude I ran into in the beer line had the best t-shirt ever!! The aforementioned "Who died and made you Mark Bellhorn". Simply put, a great tee!! So, I saw the Sox bullpen get ripped in a 13-6 loss to the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim from the bleachers in Right Field last Saturday. We followed that up by sitting in the fourth row behind home plate in a 6-3 victory on Sunday. I sat in front of the radar gun guy!! We stayed in a hotel about a half mile from the Park and just soaked in all of the sites and the sounds of a weekend in Beantown. Let me be the first to say, it was good times!!

Well, time restrictions have hit and its time for me to head on out. One of the best things about summer, the outdoor beer. I would like to extend another apology for my lazy posting. Please continue to read. They'll be better I swear!! That's it, I'm out!!